If you are a large brand, you will need to answer questions about whether you received a score from Fashion Transparency Index (FTI) and whether you disclosed to CDP Climate Change and CDP Water.
If this applies to you, you may see certain issues greyed-out, meaning you don’t need to answer them. Your scores for the greyed-out issues will instead be derived from your performance on those standards or assessments as follows:
If you disclose to CDP Climate Change, your scores for the following Issues will be derived from your grade:
- Climate Change Measurement
- Climate Change Reduction
- Climate Change Targets
For example, if you received an "A" grade, you will score 100% for all of the above issues. This means you won't need to answer questions in the above items and they will be greyed-out.
If you disclose to CDP Water, your scores for the following Issues will be derived from your grade:
- Local Impact
- Stakeholders
- Water Targets
- Water Reduction
- Water Measurement
- Water Management
For example, if you received an "A" grade, you will score 100% for all of the above issues. This means you won't need to answer questions in the above items and they will be greyed-out.
Note: the CDP Forest standard will be assessed for inclusion in an upcoming methodology review.
If you received a score from Fashion Transparency Index (FTI), your scores for the following Issues will be derived directly from that FTI score:
- Transparency
- Code of Conduct
- Modern Slavery
- Worker Empowerment
- Auditing
- Supplier Relationships
- Grievance Mechanisms
- Multistakeholder Initiatives
- Sandblasting
- Labour Citizenship
For example, if you score 100% on FTI, you will recieve 100% on all the above issues. However, those issues will not be greyed out. You may optionally provide answers on those issues to supply additional information on your practices to Good On You.