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Answers to frequently asked questions about Good Measures and Good On You’s ratings methodology
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Ratings Methodology
16 articles
Why is Good Measures based on the Good On You ratings system?
How does Good On You rate brands?
How was the Good On You ratings methodology developed?
How does the methodology incorporate certification and standards systems?
What key factors may affect what issues I answer and how my brand is scored?
How do you distinguish between large and small brands?
Why are some materials classified as lower impact?
What are primary, second, and final production stages?
View all articles in “Ratings Methodology”
Account and access
1 article
Can I have additional logins for colleagues?
About Good Measures
8 articles
How do I make updates and submit them for review?
Why do some issues in Good Measures appear greyed out?
What happens after I submit my updates for review?
How can I correct an issue in my public rating?
Why was the evidence I submitted not accepted and what can I do?
How should I calculate percentages and related questions about my brand’s product range?
How long does it take to receive an updated rating after I submit?
What are “Service Providers” in Good Measures?